Trekking Through an Ancient Landscape: The Tasmanian Overland Track

Trekking can be one of the most fulfilling and adventurous activities that can take you to places that are often difficult to reach through regular means. And if you’re looking for a trek that combines natural wonders, challenging terrains, and scenic beauty, then the Tasmanian Overland Track should definitely be on your bucket list.

 Overland Track Tasmania

Located in the heart of Tasmania, Australia, The Overland Track is a 65 km trail that takes you on a journey through an ancient landscape, filled with rich flora and fauna, stunning waterfalls, and awe-inspiring vistas. So, let’s take a closer look at what you can expect on this incredible trek.

The starting point of the trek is at Cradle Mountain, which is located more than two hours away from Launceston. While it may seem like a long way to get to the starting point, the picturesque drive through the countryside to Cradle Mountain is a perfect start to the adventure that awaits you. Cradle Mountain is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, forests, and an array of wildlife - perfect for nature lovers and enthusiasts.

From Cradle Mountain, the trail weaves its way through alpine plains, where you’ll encounter some of the most stunning landscapes you’ll ever see. The trail is relatively challenging, with steep inclines and declines, rocky terrain, and intermittent streams that can either be tranquil or raging depending on the time of day and weather conditions. However, the effort you put into the trail is definitely worth it as you’ll encounter some of the most breathtaking scenery along the journey.


One of the most famous natural wonders along the trail is the Cradle Mountain, which is one of the most iconic landmarks in Tasmania. Reaching the peak of the mountain is not an easy task, but if you’re up for it, the panoramic view from the top is an experience you’ll never forget. But even if you don’t make it to the top, the trail offers a variety of scenic delights such as waterfalls, wild rivers, and pristine forests teeming with wildlife.


The Overland Track is best tackled during the summer season (December to March). Although it’s the busiest time of the year, the weather is mild, and the trail is easier to navigate. But if you’re looking to experience the unique sights and sounds of the Tasmanian wilderness, then winter trekking can be an exciting adventure. Walking through the snow-clad terrain while surrounded by the natural wonders of the landscape is a surreal experience that’s hard to describe.

 Overland Track Tasmania

Trekking through the Tasmanian Overland Track is an experience that should be on every trekker's bucket list. From the stunning landscapes, challenging terrain, and unique biodiversity of Tasmania, there's something for everyone on the Overland Track. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, put on your trekking boots and set off on one of the most memorable adventures of your life.