Finding the Ultimate Adventure Buddy, Made All the Difference!

Going on adventurous trips is an experience that many of us dream of, but it is not always possible to achieve without help. While the idea of going solo may seem intriguing, it can become challenging without an adventure buddy. Every adventure needs someone to share the experience, provide support, and navigate through the uncertainties that come with it. Finding a reliable adventure partner can be challenging, but it's worth the effort. This blog will outline why having an adventure buddy can make all the difference in the great outdoors and how i found the best adventure buddy.. and why she means so much to me.

Having a trusted adventure buddy comes with its perks, and the primary advantage is safety a a whole lot of shared fun. Being in the wild, away from civilization, can be dangerous, and having someone there to watch your back can be the difference between life and death. With an adventure buddy, you can have someone to spot you on challenging hikes, safeguard against wild animals and make joint decisions on the best way forward during tough terrains.

Building trust:

Going on an adventure can be a bonding experience that strengthens relationships.  An adventure buddy can help you build trust and create unforgettable memories on your trip. Having someone to rely on when you need it the most is a great way to form a strong social connection that can last a lifetime. With the right adventure buddy, you can have someone to share your victories and setbacks with and create a long-lasting bond, as well as get  up to mischief with and living to tell the stories. (ill leave the actual stories untold to protect the innocent) 

Sharing costs:

Adventure can be an expensive affair, especially when it comes to transportation and accommodation costs. With an adventure buddy, you can share the costs and save a considerable amount of money. Additionally, having an adventure buddy to share the burden of carrying gear and food can make your trip much more comfortable, especially when you're carrying bulky equipment across the Tasmanian overland track in torrential rain.


An adventure buddy can also serve as a source of accountability and inspiration when it comes to preparation, packing, and timekeeping and when things get tough. When preparing for an adventure, it's easy to forget essential items (especially snacks), miss preparations, or underestimate the amount of time needed to complete a challenge. With an adventure buddy, you can have someone to remind you to pack mosquito repellent, keep a steady pace, and keep track of time as well as keep you going when you feel like giving up.

The most important thing : 

All of the above help to make a travel partner however the things that truly make an adventure buddy are

1. Respect, you will have good times and bad times , there will be times that you will fight and times you will laugh but in the end its a true level of respect for each other and the sense of adventure that will get you through.

2. Independence : Remember you are travelling alone and sharing the adventure. There will always be times that you will want to achieve, see or experience different things on your adventure, make sure you're free to go separate ways when its needed and reunite further down the track.

3. A great attitude: Well i suppose this is the goal.. we all have bad days and good days, so be kind to your adventure buddy, they are there with you, so i'm sure they though it was a good idea at some stage... 

4. Lots of fun. Getting into a little trouble, doing things that you wouldn't normally do at home are all part of the adventure. Your adventure buddy should share a sense of fun as well as adventure.


In conclusion, finding an awesome adventure buddy can make all the difference in creating an unforgettable and safe adventure experience. It's essential to find someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and has the same level of commitment as you. The wilderness can be unpredictable; hence, having someone to watch your back can make the difference in the face of any challenge that comes our way, be it safety, financial, logistical or just moral support. So, are you planning for your next adventure? Find your ultimate adventure buddy and make the most out of it!

Nicole, this ones for you, the adventures are always better when you're there!